Daily Archives: January 22, 2016

Lyme Brain

This morning I realized that I lost my wallet.  Today is Friday.  I lost it Wednesday afternoon and didn’t notice until today.  It’s actually quite ironic because I found a wallet in the parking lot yesterday and turned it in, hoping that nobody had found the wallet before me and removed the cash, since all that’s inside was a license and debit card.

The exact same thing happened to me just a month ago.  At the exact same store.  On December 2nd, I left my wallet at Stop & Shop.  Two days later, I realized it was missing.  Someone had turned it into customer service and I got it back, without anything removed.

Apparently this week, my memory was just as flakey as it was in December.  On Wednesday, January 20th, I went shopping at Stop & Shop.  It wasn’t until this morning (Friday, January 22nd) that I noticed t hat it was missing.

My first reaction is thanksgiving toward the fact that people have turned in my wallet both times.  But then I also feel like a complete idiot.  I had to go back to Stop & Shop to get my wallet for the second time.  They probably wonder who this stupid girl is who can’t keep track of her belongings.

My main concern is that I don’t know how to fix this problem.  I’m thinking it has something to do with my “Lyme brain” and memory fog.  But how to I make a change?  How do I force myself to remember to check if my wallet is with me everywhere I go?

I can deal with the join pain.  I can deal with the fatigue.  But how many more times will I lose my wallet?  And when will it be the time that I lose it and someone decides to steal everything inside rather than turning it in?

My wallet sat in the parking lot for who knows how long?  It could have easily been swiped.  Or someone could have easily taken the cash and gift cards before turning it in.  I don’t deserve to be so lucky despite my dumb behavior.

I’m obviously happy about the way it all turned out, but I just can’t believe it happened again.