Tag Archives: Texas

How Many Must Die?

How many people must die before America’s diametrically opposed political parties can try to come together to make changes?

How many must die before we can at least try an assault weapons ban and see if anything changes?

How many must die before we can make major changes to the way we deal with mental health in this country?

In light of the Walmart shooting in Texas and the shooting in downtown Dayton Ohio just FOURTEEN hours later, we need to come together.  We have no choice.  America is falling apart.  I cannot say that I am proud to be an American when I hear of shooting after shooting taking place but almost nothing changing.

Lawmakers try to make bills to adjust gun control, but they are always shut down.

This shooting occurred in Texas, a state with very loose gun laws.  People like to say that shootings occur more with restrictive laws.  That isn’t the case here.

In Texas, people are allowed to carry handguns in most situations.  Convicted felons can regain the right to carry after five years out of prison.  Lawmakers had tried to place a ban on bump stocks, but that bill was never passed.  They tried to make a law requiring background checks for people who buy guns at gun shows…that didn’t pass either.

How many times does the same thing need to happen before anything changes?

How many times do news outlets need to promise not to share the details of the perpetrators since it has been found that many of them revel in the idea that their crimes will cause their names to be all over the headlines, yet we quickly learn their names, ages, races, and backgrounds almost immediately?

People will be discussing this shooting for probably around two weeks, considering that it was a more major shooting than the ones where only a couple of people are killed.  They will debate.  They will get angry.  They will fail to compromise on any front, and the topic will be pushed to the back burner.

Fast forward a few weeks (or more likely days…or in our case today, just fourteen hours) and we will have another young adult white male who most likely purchased his weapons legally and probably has some history of mental health issues who will commit a similar crime.

I don’t mean to stereotype, but that’s the typical situation.

People who want looser gun laws claim that this happens because the United States is too strict  with gun control.  We need to train and arm our teachers, they say.  We need to eliminate gun-free zones.  We need more states to allow open carry so that everyday citizens can fight back.  But we have no data that any of that will improve the problem.  If you look at my previous blog, you will see how many accidents happen in schools where guns are allowed.

Let’s look at some data from Mother Jones and a study that looked into 62 separate shootings that occurred from 1982-2012:

-Over 3/4 of the guns were purchased legally

-Many locations were schools and workplaces, but also restaurants, shopping malls, religious buildings, concert areas, and government buildings.  No location seems to be off-limits.

-44 of the assailants were white males, with an average age of 35


Look at this map of mass shootings.  It is absolutely horrifying.

Gun violence is now a leading cause of death in America, according to Business Insider:

“The chance of dying from gun violence overall is about 50% greater than the lifetime risk of dying while riding inside a car, truck, or van (a category that excludes pedestrian, cyclist, and other deaths outside of a motor vehicle). It’s also more than 10 times as high as dying from any force of nature, such as a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flood, or lightning strike.”

“These measures suggest Americans are more likely to die from gun violence than the combined risks of drowning, fire and smoke, stabbing, choking on food, airplane crashes, animal attacks, and natural disasters.”

Now, despite the fact that these numbers are alarming, gun violence is still a topic that has little research associated with it.  How can this be?  Are we afraid of the answers we may find?  Are gun owners afraid that their rights may be restricted if we go forward with these studies?

Other countries have experienced some mass shootings and within just weeks or months, they have passed restrictions.  In New Zealand, it took only 6 days after their recent mass shooting to pass restrictions.  6 days, “Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced a national ban on all military-style semiautomatic weapons, all high-capacity ammunition magazines and all parts that allow weapons to be modified into the kinds of guns used in last week’s attack” (NY Times).

Now let’s compare that to the Las Vegas shooting: “After a gunman killed 58 people in Las Vegas in 2017, it took 443 days for the United States to ban bump stocks,”  Over a year just to ban bump stocks.

I won’t get on a whole separate tangent, but our country is so divided that it takes years for even minor changes to occur.  Republicans and Democrats seem less likely to see eye to eye on issues than ever before.  Sometimes I wonder if people support certain viewpoints only because of their political party.  As an independent, I don’t feel tied to support or reject laws simply based on my political affiliation.  I make decisions based on what I believe is the best option for the most people.

We NEED to come together.  We NEED to compromise.

We can’t just let America continue to allow innocent people to die almost daily at the hands of these killers.

And if you have the time for this long article, I highly recommend reading it: “We Asked 12 Mass Shooters: What Would Have Stopped You?”





2018 Year in Review

Just like I have done for the past four years, here is my 2018 review of my year: (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017).

2018 was a complete whirlwind.  We were planning our wedding and honeymoon. I was moving things out of my apartment to make room for AJ to move in after our wedding.  We were attending many other weddings.  I turned 30.  Here are some 2018 stats:

-Attended 8 weddings in 4 different states:

  1. Doug & Leslie – Michigan – May 27
  2. Brady & Emily – Pennsylvania – July 21
  3. Austin & Kate – August 10
  4. Ours – August 18
  5. Steven & Amy – Texas – September 1
  6. Adam & Gabriella – September 22
  7. Sway & Denielle – November 9
  8. Brian & Taynara -November 24

-Attended 2 bachelorette parties, 6 bridal showers, 2 engagement parties, 5 rehearsal dinners

-Spent time in 8 states and 2 countries:

New Jersey, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Texas, Florida, Indonesia, Qatar


-Acro yoga during a snowstorm

26240817_10100183663070980_4342904768871143986_o (1)

-Annual trip to Frost Valley with AJ and my family in Claryville, NY




-Grandma’s birthday


-My mom’s birthday


-Easter in Connecticut


-Celebrating my mom’s birthday (belated) going to the churrascaria

-Gina & Shehab’s engagement party

-AJ’s birthday: carrot cake, Indian buffet, and Kane brewery

-Leslie’s bridal shower



-Mother’s Day in Connecticut


-Kate’s bridal shower


-Doug & Leslie’s rehearsal dinner in Michigan


-Doug & Leslie’s wedding in Michigan

-LBHS senior prom



-My bridal shower in New Jersey

-Father Walter’s goodbye Mass


-AP English Language & Composition scoring in Tampa, Florida


-LBHS graduation



-My Connecticut bridal shower


-Grandpa’s birthday


-Belmar Five Miler with AJ


-Early birthday mini-golf & churrascaria dinner for my 30th birthday


-BBQ with Bible study friends


-Parasailing with AJ for my early birthday present

-Early birthday dinner with my mom & AJ at the Bedrock Bistro


-Surprise birthday gift from AJ: a map to track our travels


-My 30th birthday and  Brady & Emily’s rehearsal dinner in Pennsylvania


-Brady & Emily’s wedding


-Went to Mass at Franciscan University the day after Brady’s wedding, which was the first time I returned after graduating in May 2010

-Gabriella’s bachelorette party at the beach


-Long Beach Island with my mom



-Kate & Austin’s wedding


-Gabriella’s bridal shower


-Spending time with Vanessa and Carlos before my wedding


-My bachelorette dinner at the Shrimp Box


-Our rehearsal dinner


-Our wedding day





-Bali honeymoon: part 1 – 4 days in Ubud:

-Hiking up Mount Batur to see the sunrise:


-Seeing/jumping off of/sliding down lots of waterfalls:


-Walking through the rice terraces:


-Enjoying our private villa with a private pool:


(and temples, monkey forest, wandering around downtown Ubud)

-Bali honeymoon part 2 – 4 days in Sanur:

-Hidden canyon hike:


-Melasti Beach:


-Bali Seawalker:


-Layover in Qatar and a tour of the city of Doha


-Amy & Steven’s rehearsal dinner in Texas


-Amy & Steven’s wedding in Texas


-Starting my 9th year of teaching, which began with a district meeting at the beach


-Denielle’s bridal shower


-Gabriella & Adam’s wedding



-Great Jack-O-Lantern Blaze in Sleepy Hollow with AJ’s college friends



-Sway & Denielle’s wedding


-Thanksgiving with AJ’s family

-Brian & Taynara’s wedding


-AJ’s work Christmas party – AJ won physical therapist of the year for his company!


-Christmas Eve in Connecticut at my grandparents’ house


-Christmas Day in Connecticut at my aunt and uncle’s house (with their new puppy)

-Christmas Holy Hour with the Young Adults in Faith at the Co-Cathedral of St. Robert Bellarmine

-Game night at AJ’s parents’ house


It was a busy year, so I’m hoping for a calmer 2019 and excited to see what life brings.

2015: My Year in Review

Last year, I wrote a blog entitled 2014 Year in Review.  2014 was a busy year, and also on of the saddest years of my life since I had to put my dog, Butterscotch, to sleep.  But there were also positive memories like multiple Spartan races, spring break in Marco Island, Florida, and a trip to Brazil for my sister’s wedding.

Unfortunately, I was not able to run even one race in 2015 since I was dealing with Lyme symptoms for the majority of the year.  I’m hoping that will change for 2016.  Regardless, though, I still had a pretty great 2015.

Here’s a look at this past year.  2015 in Review:


-Started off the New Year with Matt making dinosaur chicken nuggets and shaped mac & cheese for dinner

-Annual trip to Frost Valley (in Claryville, NY) with my family

New Year’s Eve dinner courtesy of Matthew
At High Falls – Frost Valley
Our family at Frost Valley


-Family party at the dinner theater for my Grandma’s 80th birthday

-Day trip to Philly with Matthew

Westchester Dinner Theater in NY
Drexel’s Academy of Natural Sciences in Philly
New Year’s Eve dinner courtesy of Matthew


-My mom’s birthday



-Hosting my family’s Easter at my apartment in Danbury

-Trip to the Philadelphia Zoo

-Spring break in Orange Beach, Alabama with my mom

Easter egg hunt



-Impractical Jokers at Mohegan Sun for my mom’s birthday present

-DHS Senior prom at the Amber Room

-Mother’s Day party at my grandparents’ house

-One year anniversary with Matthew

Impractical Jokers at Mohegan Sun
DHS Senior Prom – The Amber Room
Mother’s Day


-Belated anniversary dinner at the Churrascaria in Port Chester, NY

-What I didn’t realize at the time was my last DHS graduation, since I was not yet aware that I would be moving to new Jersey less than 2 months later

-Going to see the Twin Lights in Highlands, NJ

One year anniversary dinner


-4th of July party for my grandpa’s birthday

-Getting hired as an English teacher in New Jersey

-Finding my new apartment

-One week vacation in Long Beach Island, NJ

-My 27th birthday

-Mission trip to Rwanda with Visiting Orphans


Grandpa’s birthday
My 27th birthday
LBI with my mom
Long Beach Island, New Jersey



-Visiting my sponsored child, Patience, in Rwanda

-Gorilla trekking in Rwanda

-Visiting Lizzy in Virginia

-Packing up my classroom at DHS

-Visiting Brazilian family in New York City

-Moving from Danbury, CT to Belmar, NJ

My sponsored child, Patience
With Patience’s family


Manassas, Virginia
DHS goodbye.jpg
Packing up my classroom…very bittersweet
New classroom in Jersey


-Starting my 6th year of teaching and first year teaching in Jersey.

-Grandma & Grandpa’s 60th anniversary party


-Tyler Ward concert

-New last day of the season swimming record: October 11th

Tyler Ward concert in Asbury Park
Swimming in the ocean in Belmar on October 11th


-Visiting with Amy and going up to Massachusetts with her for a wedding


-Jets vs. Dolphins football game for Matthew’s birthday present

Tina & Tony’s wedding in Massachusetts with Amy


-Christmas Eve at Grandma & Grandpa’s house

-Christmas in Connecticut

-Visiting Amy in Austin

-Visiting Dan, Vivi, and Ryan in San Antonio

Trying on cowboy hats in Austin
HOPE Outdoor Gallery in Austin
Austin, Texas
San Antonio River Walk

2015 ended up being a pretty busy year.  I spent time in Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Massachusetts, Texas, and Rwanda.  Now it’s time to see what 2016 will bring…