Daily Archives: January 28, 2016

To Fight or Not to Fight?

To fight or not to fight, that is the question.

Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer

From the liars and cheaters who take advantage.

Or to stand up for what is right and just

By opposing them in the end.


Thank you, Shakespeare and Hamlet (with some tweaking) for today’s inspiration.  I do not, however, thank the people who are causing this frustrating post.

That’s really my current question, though.  To fight or not to fight?

At what point do we stand up for ourselves so that people can no longer walk all over us?  Or, at what point do we decide to lay back down into that position of submission in order to avoid facing repercussions for doing the former?

In some situations, it’s tough to stand up and fight, even if we’re only fighting something that we’re owed, both legally and ethically.  Every action has a reaction.  I’m not scared of standing up for myself.  I’m not scared of the action.  What I am scared of is the reaction.  However, I’m also disappointed about my inaction.

I can’t elaborate on my current predicament, but I have been doing a lot of inaction as of late.  I’m in a position where I need to obey certain people.  I need to be a bit docile.  The people-pleasing side of my has been very apparent in my day to day life lately.  The smiley Stephanie is trying to maintain that smile despite the gritted teeth that are hiding beneath.

In the course of all of that, I’m being treated like a doormat.  So do I continue with the inaction, thus continuing to be walked all over (but maintaining my security in my position as a doormat), or do I react?  Do I fight for what is owed to me (but face possible negative reactions later)?  These negative reactions could be quite major.  They could cause certain things to become living hell for me.

So that is the question