How to Get Ahead in America: Lie, Cheat, and Steal

Today, I’m feeling a bit cynical.

I can’t go into details about my current situation, but the quick version of the story is that I am facing an ethical dilemma.  I am being told to do something by people above me that I believe is not ethical, but because I am in no position of power, my situation is a bit of a conundrum.

Do I do what is right and just, possibly facing problems because of it, or do I give into the status quo?

The obvious answer is to do what is right.  But this is one of the first times in my life when I am beginning to truly understand why people often partake in immoral actions.  Sometimes that is what is unfortunately necessary in order to keep one’s job and to get ahead.

I am hoping that by sticking to my morals, things will end up okay in the long run, but there’s a chance that they might not.


Because it seems that in America, the easiest way to get ahead is to lie, cheat, and steal.

I want to have faith in my country, in my profession, and in people in general.  I am usually incredibly optimistic.

But right now I feel beaten down, lethargic, and frustrated.

It is times like these when cheating and lying would be the easy way out.  I am determined to not let that happen, but remaining honest and respectable is become exhausting, especially when I feel so alone.

The people around me don’t seem to believe in the same principles as I do.  They have no problem of doing what is currently being asked of them.  I am the odd man out.

And I guess that’s kind of fitting for me.  I’m used to being the odd one, due in a large part to my Catholic beliefs.

I don’t believe in living with a boyfriend before marriage.  Everyone thinks that is crazy.  I go to church every Sunday.  *GASP*

With my faith, I’m used to being the one who is different, so I guess it’s fitting that some of the morals that I believe in majorly because of my faith are now showing themselves in other parts of my life.

I want to change the status quo.  I want people to do work that they are proud of.  I want ethics to be more important than paychecks.

So we’ll see who ends up victorious: the ones who are doing what is right, or the ones who are cheating to get ahead.

Unfortunately, it might be the latter because life is not always like the movies where the good guy always wins.  Sometimes the dirty, lying, cheating scoundrel is the one who ends up ahead.  At least I will hopefully maintain my own dignity through this whole process.

2 thoughts on “How to Get Ahead in America: Lie, Cheat, and Steal

  1. You are not alone in your thinking about ethics vs lying, cheating, etc. I can tell you from my own personal experiences that this day & time the ones without morals & ethics are the majority of people that are getting ahead. I was very honest in my years of work and not once in 35 year’s saw anyone get ahead by honesty. It staggers me to see these people in front as opposed to honest people. I lost the best & most lucrative job of my life because I couldn’t tell a lie. I’m not here to pour salt in a wound just stating this has been a lifetime thing, being honest caused me to be underprivileged in this life but at the end of our lives I will have riches for all of eternity. Most people would laugh at this but that doesn’t bother me plus I will have fewer regrets. We are the minority in this country sad to say. Follow your heart and have faith that your prayers don’t go unheard.


    1. Thank you for your response. It can be so disheartening at times, but I know that I’d rather live in a way that I can hold my head high and be confident in my decisions and choices.


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